==================================================== MariaDB Connector/Python ==================================================== .. sectionauthor:: Georg Richter .. testsetup:: import mariadb conn_params= { "host" : "localhost", "database" : "test" } conn=mariadb.connect(**conn_params) cursor=conn.cursor() cursor.execute("CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS example_user@localhost identified by 'GHbe_Su3B8'") cursor.execute("grant all on test.* to example_user@localhost") cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book") cursor.close() conn.close() |MCP| enables python programs to access MariaDB and MySQL databases, using an API which is compliant with the Python |DBAPI|. It is written in C and Python and uses MariaDB Connector/C client library for client server communication. .. rubric:: Contents .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents: install usage pooling api license release bugs faq ------------------ Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`